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Frequently Asked Questions

I have had a cortisone injection, can I take Fat Buster?

No, we recommend that you wait till cortisone is out of your system as it can cause weight gain

Why must I pig out the first 2 or 3 days on Fat Buster drops or jab?

Think of it like fueling a car to drive, you need to load your fat stores in order to release them.

Why won't I lose weight if you follow phase 2 without take drops or jab?

Your body would go into starvation mode and your body would cling to the weight it has. This is why when you’re in phase 3, you up your portions and  intake and are allowed “heavier foods” not allowed on phase 2 to make sure you don’t gain any of the weight back that you lost.

Is it safe to use if I'm diabetic and have high Blood pressure?

Drops are homeopathic and stimulant free so yes you can use it.

Can men also use Fat Buster drops or jab?

Yes, in fact, men lose faster than women.

Can breastfeeding mothers take Fat Buster drops or jab?

Drops only and only when child is 6 months. Not full dosage, drops taken only twice a day.

I take anti viral atv can I use this?

Yes you can!

I have under active thyroid will this still work?

Yes as long as you continue to manage it and continue treatments

Is exercise required?

There is no heavy exercise allowed the first 7 to 10 days of phase 2. If you gym, due to this keeping your muscle mass and targeting fat stores, you could tone more and actually gain kgs as muscle weighs more than fat so very important to measure and not only weigh if you are exercising

Won't I gain the weight back when I stop taking the Fat Buster? How long can I take it for?

You can take it till you reach your desired weight. When u reach your goal, you go off the drops or jab and have phase 3 as a maintenance/ lifestyle guide.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels.

Can only PCOS ladies take Fat Busters?

Absolutely not, anyone can take it, we have just chosen to bring more awareness, attention and information forward about PCOS.

I take anti depressants, anxiety medication can I still take it?

Absolutely, it doesn’t interfere with your medication.

Any side affects?

Drops are homeopathic so no side affects. However you may experience headaches the first 3 days of phase 2 (busting phase) as your body is detoxing from phase 1 (pig out.) We do however recommend you seek medical advise from your doctor before doing the program if you have any concerns or issues.

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