Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, a healthier you is waiting for you!


R500 OFF all combos!

R200 OFF individual HCG products!

Welcome to the Busters Family!

Join over 16,500 Busters

“Self Love Self Care Self Improvement”

SA Born Business

What is the Fat Buster?

This is not a FAD diet, it’s a lifestyle change.

Fat Buster is a weight loss solution that uses a natural hormone to target fat reserves, preserving muscle while promoting weight loss. Start the program with either Fat Buster Drops or Jab, and follow a 3-phase eating plan designed for portion control and building sustainable, healthy habits. Customize your meals by mixing and matching foods, ensuring you stay within the allowed portions and food options. Choose Fat Buster today for a balanced approach to weight loss!


Three Phases of the Eating program:

(Instructions & Eating program is sent once purchase is made)

Phase 1: Pig out phase

Loading fat stores while taking the Fat Buster drops or jab.

First 2-3 days of starting the Fat Buster drops or jab, you consume higher calorie foods like pizza, pasta, cake, wine , beer, literally wine and dine to your hearts desire.

Phase 2: The Busting phase

This is the weight loss phase.

Portion control with foods from allowed list. Our menu is an example only as you can mix and match foods as you like (Food ideas for Phase 2 is on the group under #fooddrinkideas. Its mostly protein, veg, salad, fruit and baked potato every 3rd or 4th day. This is not a Keto program, this program contains less fats..

You can do intermitted fasting but not OMAD with this program,

no set times to eat except one Golden rule is no eating 3 hours before you go to sleep.

You can continue with Fat Buster drops / jabs and phase 2 till you reach your desired weight, then you stop the Fat Buster products and may follow phase 3


Phase 3: Maintenance / Lifestyle Guide

When you have reached your desired weight and go off the Fat Buster Drops or jab. This is your lifestyle guide so you do not gain weight back

Founders STORY

After battling to lose weight especially after finding out I have PCOS and trying every diet on the market I finally found one that worked without exercising. It’s changed my life. Cleared up my skin, balanced my hormones, increased my energy and lifted my mood.

It’s changed my life. It took me 7 months to drop 25kgs and I currently lost over 30kgs.

I began the Fat Busters Facebook Group (a division of the Busters Group) so I can share and help those who struggle with weight like I have.

Let’s bust that fat!

Champion Combos

Why combos?  The main Fat Buster Jab and Drops works with Fat stores. That’s what causes the weight loss and these are our main products needed for the program. But it does nothing to suppress appetite or cravings or have any other benefits. Insulin support assists insulin resistance and keeps you feeling fuller for longer but does not assist day to day cravings or do anything for the actual fat stores. Zero stim and blaze suppress daily appetite and cravings and each have other benefits.

For the Fat Busters Program

Start your Fat Busting journey with the Homeopathic Drops or Mix Yourself Jab!

Please note that these two products are required to start the program. All other products are optional extras.
Note: Images displayed may vary.


We have over 300 testimonials on our group,  please join the group and you can use shortcut by clicking the hashtag. #feedbackfromfellowfatbusters

Join Our Facebook Community With Over 16,500 Members Online

We have over 300 testimonials in our group.

Follow Topics Like:

#feedbackfromfellowfatbusters (Feedback on how other busters are doing with their programs)

 #motivation (Motivational posts from fellow busters)

#fooddrinkideas (Food & drink ideas)

#diethumor (Funny diet jokes)

#PCOS (Posts on polycystic ovary syndrome)

#goodtoknow (Interesting facts shared by fellow busters)

Please Note:
Facebook has removed topics, please join our instagram
for the shortcut to the topics.

Medical Disclaimer

It is always advised to consult with your GP before changing your lifestyle and daily habits especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or on chronic medication.

Busters Group will not be held liable for any consequential damages that result from the use of , or inability to use the products. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease.

Results vary from person to person. Purchase is at own risk. Purchasing from us automatically means that you have read, understood and agree to these terms and conditions.